DreamAcademia is a world wide community of innovators, young startups and inspiring dreamAs who work together for a better tomorrow!

Dreamdevelopment since 2007

DreamAcademia is…

DreamAcademia is based on the teachings of Leonardo da Vinci, a free community whose members fertilize better through networking and general exchange. Our dream is that people can share their dreams and will find support to develop them.
On June 13th, 2007 we created our vision of Dreamicon Valley, a spot in the heart of Europe where the iron curtain seperated people for decades. Passionate people from all over the world work together on future solutions and share the results with the world for free.
Since then hundreds of dreamA´s joined the movement and also helped through participation at dozens of our events to spread the message.

Support DreamAcademia

The DreamAcademia’s business angels are the community itself.
You can also become a supporter like many already are, to support our future generations of DreamA’s. After the payment we will send you an invoice and you get the chance to put your logo on the website.

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+ 20% VAT = 120 €

    Please transfer once 120 € to the following bank account:

    Account holder:
    Harald Katzenschläger – DREAM ACADEMIA
    AT33 1200 0036 9372 3301


    Bank name:
    UniCredit Bank Austria Eisenstadt

    We will send you an invoice for a sponsor place on this website so that you can use it correctly in your book keeping for taxaction issues.

    The Supporters